Sunday, February 2, 2014

what Fixer is

What is fixer?

1.     1.
a person who makes arrangements for other people, esp. of an illicit or devious kind.
2.     2.
a substance used for fixing a photographic image.

A lot of definitions about “fixer”, and here below are conversation in about what “fixer” is:
When traveling to a place you are not familiar with, especially places that can be potentially dangerous a fixer is someone who knows the area (where to go, more importantly where not to go), the culture, the people, has connections and can get things done that an outsider may not be able to accomplish. Fixers are not necessarily also translators, but it helps if they are.
For example, you can have an itinerary of topics you want to work on, communicate that to the fixer and he/she can usually get the ball rolling on where and when you can work on those topics while you are in country. I have a particularly good relationship with a fixer that I use in Haiti and he always meets me at the airport when I arrive, makes sure I’m set up at the hotel, negotiates good rates, etc. in addition to helping me find content and take care of logistics.
You can go somewhere without a fixer, but you can be much more effective and efficient with one and in some cases they can save your life and/or keep you from getting robbed or harassed. I would very highly recommend using them. And chances are if you need one where ever you are going, you can ask on here and someone can recommend one.
by Edward Linsmier  Saint Petersburg, FL, United States

A fixer is your eyes, ears, mouth, your security, guide sometimes driver and most of the time translator. A fixer is your best-friend. If you do not trust your fixer with your ideas, how can you trust him or her with your life? Your fixer is the one who connects the dots for you. 
by Lesli Petit-Phar , Feeport, Bahamas

Fixer are often times the life blood of photographers. I cant speak their praises enough. I have encounter some pretty amazing people over the years but one that really sticks out is Faseeh Shams from The guy put some really amazing stuff together for me and kept me so safe i owe him my life. 
by Don Mirra  San Diego, United States 

My stomach churns when someone calls fixers “Taxi Drivers”. Usually people calling them taxi drivers are some low key journalists who have never worked for a respectable organization with a respectable budget and who can never afford to hire a “real” fixer. Also, a photographers fixer is almost a translator/taxi driver and for TV and print reporters, it is usually a more professional fixer, who is also a freelance journalist.
A fixer is someone, when given a specific brief, manages to organize everything, stories, interviews, access etc!
And no, we are not street thugs and most of them do not know how to drive too! (I do). We do of course will watch our client’s back but we are not body guards.
If you want someone to drive around, find a driver. If you want someone to take a bullet for you, hire a bodyguard. If you want a “partner” for your story, who will do everything to make sure you get a great story, even if it means driving you around in a bicycle, take a hail of bullets or face an unruly crowd, then hire a “Fixer”. 
by Uday Sripathi , Mumbai, India

Fixer is a person that makes you and your work comfortable in that place which is unfamiliar for you. Yes some time its provides facility of Driver and also vehicle..
I had work with some people and give then that facility. In some unknown cities of country i had also arranged another for then, 

by S.A.Qureshi | Islamabad, Pakistan 

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